
We love libraries!

Library Planet is a crowdsourced travel guide for libraries of the world meant to inspire library travelers to open the awesome book that is our world of libraries, cities and countries.

We want to give you a guide to the world of libraries.

Everybody can contribute to Library Planet. See how here: https://libraryplanet.net/contribute/

Also! If you love looking at libraries! Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/library_planet/

When we got enough of Library Planet stories we want to publish it as a book. Damn right we are.

Library Planet is founded and edited by Christian Lauersen of Roskilde Libraries and Marie Engberg Eiriksson, Denmark.

Christian is director of libraries and citizen services in Roskilde Municipality. He believe libraries are crucial institutions in every community, public as academic to create and open, more diverse, inclusive and equal world. Also: Music listener, LEGO Aficionado, Ukulele jammer, Football player. Based in Copenhagen. Christian is a frequently used presenter at conferences and blogs about library development at The Library Lab: https://christianlauersen.net/

Marie works as a consultant and studies for a masters in Universal Design She loves libraries and anything related to it. She nerds IFLA habitually as a standing committee member of the IFLA section library services to people with special needs and is on the board of a special needs publishing house. Marie also does many things realted to yarn, thread and fabric and she will travel pretty far for Cool libraries and WWII museums.

She presents at conferences and workshops on matters related to library services to people with special needs.

E-mail: cula at roskilde dot dk
Twitter: @clauersen
Instragram: @librarylovestories 
The Library Lab blog: https://christianlauersen.net

E-mail: marie.engberg.eiriksson at outlook dot com
Twitter: @MarieeEiriksson